by Sarah Ashcroft

Businesses have been reminded that they may be held responsible for the wellbeing of employees who work from home.

Bar Huberman, exployment law editor at XpertHR, said employers are obliged to take reasonable care of the health and safety of their employees, and this home workers enjoy nearly the same level of legal protection of those working at the company’s premises.

Employers will need to establish that the home environment is at the very least suitable for work.

“Suitability includes things like space, workstation, monitor and arrangements for storage, and it might, depending on the role, involve sending a health and safety inspector to the employee’s home,” added Ms Huberman.

This employment law advice may be particularly pertinent during the run-up to the 2012 Olympic Games, when tens of thousands of City workers are expected to be asked to work from home or work flexibly to avoid road networks becoming over-congested at peak times.

  • Business News from Lawpack: Providing expert legal advice for employees working from home.


Published on: August 23, 2011